Perfect Publish | Newsroom Feature Image

Use Publish for perfect timing on all your stories

We are pleased to announce the addition of another popularly requested feature in your online Paradym account.  Users of the online Tour Builder as well as those who have tours automatically created, now have the ability to keep tours from appearing to the public until they have time to look over the tour and ensure that everything is “just right.”

  • Need time to alter the sequence of photos before anyone sees that tour?
  • Want to add some narration before that video goes out to YouTube?
  • Want to keep a tour hidden until the seller approves it?


The new Publish feature offers you time to make changes before the tour is officially published and distributed to various websites and social media portals.


The video below will walk you through setting up this new feature.

If you need any help along the way, please feel free to reach out to our Customer Success Team (support is unlimited!). Here’s how to get in touch: