What is social publishing? A guide for real estate pros.

As an agent, you essentially have two jobs: your actual real estate job, of course, but also the role of making sure your social media is updated frequently. It’s hard enough doing the first job efficiently; doing the second just adds more to the pile. Unless you’re a data obsessive, you likely don’t know [...]

By |2021-03-10T09:53:57-05:00September 3rd, 2019|Agents, Paradym Features, Social Media, Uncategorized|Comments Off on What is social publishing? A guide for real estate pros.

5 Day Social Media Challenge for Real Estate Pros

If you’re not a social media professional or you’re someone who doesn’t use it very often, it can be difficult finding out what exactly to post on your pages. It’s never fun to post something that gets little-to-no engagement! There’s a good chance that low engagement stems from low page activity. If this is [...]

By |2020-11-24T10:23:26-05:00July 30th, 2019|Featured Blogs, Social Media, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 5 Day Social Media Challenge for Real Estate Pros

Using Live Chat for Your Real Estate Business

Have you ever received a lead that you wish you could follow up on in real time? Sure, you can do this through a phone call or an email, but this requires the customer on the other end to respond quickly, too. That’s where live chat services come in! Having the ability to talk [...]

By |2020-11-24T10:29:12-05:00July 16th, 2019|Featured Blogs, Paradym Features, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Using Live Chat for Your Real Estate Business

Facebook Ad Basics for Real Estate Agents: The Lead Ad

We're guessing you'd like more leads. And you’re ready to give this online marketing thing a shot. So you log into Facebook and you want to create an ad. But this is where you hesitate. Advertising on Facebook is something you know you need to do, but it just seems... complicated. And there’s a [...]

By |2020-11-24T17:45:23-05:00April 2nd, 2019|Marketing, Social Media, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Facebook Ad Basics for Real Estate Agents: The Lead Ad

Social media: Leveraging the voice of your agents

Social media plays a huge role in building trust with a business’s current and future client base, yet most real estate brokerages aren’t leveraging the power and “voice” of their agents. Each agent has their own sphere of influence—the friends, family, and colleagues they are connected with and that are likely to respond in [...]

By |2020-11-24T10:59:52-05:00January 31st, 2019|Brokers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Social media: Leveraging the voice of your agents

How to maintain consistency in your real estate brand

Your brand communicates more than you realize. It’s your reputation, the visuals you use, the way you communicate…it’s everything from your logo and color schemes to the way you treat people. It’s like a business card that gets filed in the minds of your potential clients. Good branding helps people remember you, it helps build trust, [...]

By |2020-11-24T11:03:15-05:00January 15th, 2019|Paradym Features, Uncategorized|Comments Off on How to maintain consistency in your real estate brand

12 things real estate agents should post on Instagram

Instagram is a prime social media outlet for real estate agents. It’s easy to use, it’s engaging, it’s popular, it’s already connected to Facebook, and most importantly, it’s visual. Can you think of a better social media channel for real estate marketing? Take a look at our list of 12 Instagram posts that you [...]

By |2020-11-24T15:38:17-05:00January 4th, 2019|Social Media, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 12 things real estate agents should post on Instagram

Mix it up: 4 creative content types for your real estate social media

Chances are you’ve stumbled upon another agent’s page where you’ve been impressed by something they shared. Was it a video series around a local neighborhood? A blog post that connects with those they’re reaching out to? Something that got a lot more engagement than most posts you’ve seen? Whatever it might have been, you [...]

By |2020-11-24T11:12:51-05:00October 29th, 2018|Social Media, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Mix it up: 4 creative content types for your real estate social media

7 real estate brokerages and companies you should be following on social media

It shouldn’t come as any surprise that social media is more important than ever, both for agents and for brokers. In fact, 44% of all home buyers look online for information about a property first, and for younger generations, that percentage increases greatly. It only makes sense that you’d market your services where your [...]

By |2020-11-24T11:19:02-05:00September 16th, 2018|Social Media, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 7 real estate brokerages and companies you should be following on social media

10 things to post on social that aren’t your real estate listing

As an agent, building your online presence is more important than ever. Because your potential customers are now skewing younger, having social media pages that boosts your business and creates leads is critical to your success. Studies show that of the group of first-time homeowners, 66% can be classified as millennials. Of those, 99% [...]

By |2020-11-24T11:29:41-05:00August 22nd, 2018|Featured Blogs, Social Media, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 10 things to post on social that aren’t your real estate listing

7 reasons you need a Facebook Business Page

Do you really need to use a Facebook Business Page to market your real estate business? Simply put. Yes. Marketing a business on Facebook requires a Business Page. It's against the Facebook Terms to use your profile to represent something other than yourself (example: your business), so don't make the mistake of using your [...]

By |2020-11-24T11:39:08-05:00July 17th, 2018|Social Media, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 7 reasons you need a Facebook Business Page

3 ways to take your social media to the next level

As a real estate agent, you’ve got a lot on your plate. You’ve got people to see, houses to sell, listings to win, and a business to run. How can you possibly have time for social media? Is it really that important? Of course it is! Social media presents to us a new way [...]

By |2020-11-24T11:55:31-05:00March 19th, 2018|Paradym Features, Social Media, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 3 ways to take your social media to the next level

3 storytelling tips for stirring your sphere of influence

Real estate storytelling could be a game-changer for your business. We all know that stories create connections with others. So it only makes sense to use storytelling as part of your real estate marketing strategy. But not just any story will do. If you want to create stories that help you stay top of [...]

By |2020-11-24T12:19:03-05:00October 19th, 2017|Social Media, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 3 storytelling tips for stirring your sphere of influence

Real estate tech tools for telling stories that matter

So you’ve got an idea for a real estate story. Wouldn’t it be great if there were some tech tools that could not only help you create your story, but also share it with your sphere of influence? No problem. Here’s a short list… How can stories grow your business? Find [...]

By |2020-11-24T12:21:58-05:00September 28th, 2017|Brokers, Paradym Features, Social Media, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Real estate tech tools for telling stories that matter

15 tips for telling your real estate story like a pro

So you want to market your real estate listings and services online. Great! But you’ve also come to realize that there’s a lot of ways to do this. You could shoot some arrows in the dark, hoping your marketing efforts will pay off. This looks like sending a few emails, running a one-off ad [...]

By |2020-11-24T12:34:37-05:00July 31st, 2017|Social Media, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 15 tips for telling your real estate story like a pro

[FREE download] The real estate agent’s quickstart guide to social media

Are you stuck with social media? You know that social media is no longer an optional add-on to your real estate marketing strategy. It’s connectivity and ease of use make it a powerful tool for building your sphere of influence, winning listings, sharing helpful information, farming your territory, and getting more eyes on your [...]

By |2020-11-24T14:26:16-05:00May 31st, 2017|Social Media, Uncategorized|Comments Off on [FREE download] The real estate agent’s quickstart guide to social media

5 daily social media habits for real estate agents

Grit is a common word we use when describing successful people. The ability to stick with something, to see it through to the end, is a trait that’s admired among many. And in order for you to experience success with marketing your real estate business on social media, it’s a trait you really need [...]

By |2020-11-24T14:37:54-05:00May 22nd, 2017|Social Media, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 5 daily social media habits for real estate agents

5 Twitter tactics for real estate agents

Convinced that Twitter can help your real estate business, but unsure about what you’re actually supposed to do on Twitter? You’re not alone. Like many, your goals for using Twitter in your real estate business probably fall somewhere in the lines of lead identification, lead nurturing, and/or relationship building. Think you can use Twitter [...]

By |2020-11-24T15:32:51-05:00April 18th, 2017|Social Media, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 5 Twitter tactics for real estate agents

5 ways real estate agents can build their sphere of influence with social media

A real estate agent’s sphere of influence is one of their most important professional assets. Handled well, this relational network can become a lead generating powerhouse, fueling your real estate business for years (even decades!). But building your sphere of influence is more than a tactic or strategy: it’s learning how to build authentic, [...]

By |2020-11-24T15:48:30-05:00March 27th, 2017|Social Media, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 5 ways real estate agents can build their sphere of influence with social media

Going visual with real estate marketing: how Paradym helps one agent get results

How do you grab the attention of would-be buyers and sellers? Getting more eyes on a listing, and doing that in the right way at the right time, can be a challenge for the best of real estate agents. And given our affinity for visual content, finding ways to get listings in front of [...]

By |2020-11-24T15:51:31-05:00March 20th, 2017|Paradym Features, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Going visual with real estate marketing: how Paradym helps one agent get results

25 actionable marketing tips for real estate agents [quick list]

Social Media Tips 1. Are you still using a personal Facebook profile to market your real estate business? It’s time to make the switch to using a business Page. This gives you access to advertising (a big deal in the "pay-to-play" era of social media marketing) and analytic features that can tell you about [...]

By |2020-11-24T15:56:17-05:00March 13th, 2017|Social Media, Uncategorized, Video|Comments Off on 25 actionable marketing tips for real estate agents [quick list]

4 things real estate brokers can do to retain agents

You got them in the door. Now how do you keep them...and keep them happy? In our last post, we talked about a strategy for recruiting agents, and in this sequel, we’ll look at some practical things you can do to retain agents.   1. Be a resource Sometimes leaders get the idea that [...]

By |2020-11-24T16:41:16-05:00January 24th, 2017|Brokers, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 4 things real estate brokers can do to retain agents

7 things you can do today to simplify (and amplify) your real estate marketing

Marketing can be tough. At its best, it’s a well-oiled, lead-generating machine. At its worst, it’s a drain on your time and energy. But there are things any agent or broker can do to simplify their real estate marketing and get better results. Here are 7 easy-to-implement hacks that can help you be more [...]

By |2020-11-24T17:20:24-05:00December 15th, 2016|Marketing, Paradym Features, Social Media, Uncategorized|Comments Off on 7 things you can do today to simplify (and amplify) your real estate marketing

Build your Facebook audience: 3 strategies for real estate agents

When it comes to social media, Facebook continues to be the biggest show in town. It’s a great place to build your brand, get the word out about your listings, and connect with other businesses. But in order for you to see a return on your investment of time and energy, you probably need [...]

By |2020-11-24T17:27:02-05:00December 1st, 2016|Marketing, Social Media, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Build your Facebook audience: 3 strategies for real estate agents

Facebook Ad Basics for Real Estate Agents: Boosting a Post

Digital advertising on Facebook offers real estate agents and brokers a targeted and effective way of reaching potential clients. But getting started with Facebook advertising may seem a little intimidating to some. It doesn’t have to be.     What Does it Mean to “Boost” a Post? Boosting a post is an easy, cost-effective [...]

By |2020-11-24T17:47:30-05:00October 25th, 2016|Marketing, Social Media, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Facebook Ad Basics for Real Estate Agents: Boosting a Post

How and Why to Live Stream an Open House Online

Live video gets our attention. Whether we’re watching breaking news or our favorite team, seeing it live still piques our interests. Combine that with the fact that most home buyers search for homes online and you’ve got a reason to take live-streaming video marketing seriously. Many real estate agents are comfortable with creating online, [...]

By |2020-11-25T10:20:51-05:00September 22nd, 2016|Marketing, Social Media, Uncategorized, Video, Virtual Tours|Comments Off on How and Why to Live Stream an Open House Online

15 essential marketing videos every real estate agent should create

Online video has quickly become an indispensable marketing tool for businesses of all kinds. However, many real estate agents (and brokers) are leaving money on the table by not using video in their marketing. This presents an amazing opportunity for you to step in, grab a camera, and differentiate yourself. Let’s take a look [...]

By |2020-07-17T13:10:25-05:00June 9th, 2016|Uncategorized, Video|Comments Off on 15 essential marketing videos every real estate agent should create